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8 ways to prevent germs and stay healthy

One of the best ways to prevent germs from entering your body is to keep your immune system strong. A healthy immune system can stop germs from getting into your body or fight them if they do get in.

Our bodies have natural immunity from birth which is strengthened by a healthy lifestyle and exposure to microbes and vaccines. Unfortunately, our immune system can weaken due to age, poor diet, lifestyle choices, certain infections and some environmental factors.

A weakened immune system leaves your body vulnerable to infections. Some severe immunodeficiency cases can even result in serious health disorders.

To help you keep your immunity strong, here are 8 science-backed ways to prevent germs from harming your body so you can make the most of your life.

    1. Eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet gives your immune system essential micronutrients to function properly.

Vitamins B6, C, D, E, iron, selenium and zinc have a particularly important role in supporting a healthy immune system.

Dairy products, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are rich sources of these essential vitamins and minerals. Aim to eat a variety of different coloured fruits and vegetables each day to ensure you are getting a range of nutrients.

Protein is also important for maintaining a healthy immune system. Excellent sources of protein include beans, fish, lentils, poultry and tofu.

Stretched out are holding back  germs

Our immune-boosting supplements can help to enrich your diet by providing you with the multivitamins and protein you need to fill nutrient gaps in regular meals.


    2. Consider taking probiotics

A healthy gut plays an important role in keeping your immune system strong. Probiotics contain live microorganisms that keep you healthy by maintaining the natural balance of bacteria in your gut.

Probiotic Bacteria

Fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, natto and kefir are rich in probiotics.

Our probiotic bacteria range comprises delicious drinks and supplements which help you look after your gut.

    3. Stay hydrated

To stay healthy you need to drink 6 – 8 cups of fluid a day.

Water plays an important role in the body, especially in supporting the immune system. The lymphatic circulatory system transports lymph fluid, which contains infection-fighting blood cells, throughout your body.

When the body gets dehydrated, the water-based lymph movement slows down, leading to a weakened immune system.

Plus, water helps your body absorb essential minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients to support a healthy immune system.

    4. Take regular exercise

Regular exercise is one of the hallmarks of healthy living. Like a nutritious diet, exercise contributes to your body's general health and immunity.

Exercise supports immunity by improving your cardiovascular health, controlling body weight and reducing your risk of chronic conditions.

recent study found that intense exercise may positively affect the number of infection-fighting cells in the blood and their movement within the body. This new research debunks the old myth that prolonged, rigorous exercise lowers the body’s immunity.

Most adults should aim to do 2.5 hours of moderate exercise (like a brisk walk) every week, or an hour and a quarter of vigorous exercise a week.

    5. Minimise stress

Physical, mental and emotional health are intertwined. Although scientists are yet to understand the mind-body relationship, it’s clear that prolonged stress takes a toll on the immune system.

Stress causes your body to produce the hormone cortisol. In the short term, cortisol is beneficial to the immune system because it controls inflammation and mobilizes the immune cells to fight off infection.

However, too much stress causes elevated levels of cortisol which has a negative effect on the body. Prolonged exposure to cortisol can suppress immune function making you more susceptible to diseases.

Stress is linked to adverse health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and eating disorders that weaken the body's defences against infections.

Try to manage your stress levels by exercising and taking time to do the things you most enjoy. Meditation, yoga and socialising are some ways people control their stress levels.

Although it’s not always possible, try to avoid stressful situations or develop strategies to  manage them. Seek professional help if you feel things are getting out of hand.

    6. Get enough sleep

Sleep is a crucial regenerative process. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can weaken your immune system.

Although you never realise it, there is a lot that goes on in your body as you sleep.

For instance, T cells, components of the adaptive immune system, are produced during sleep. At the same time, inflammatory cells (cytokines) are suppressed. Studies have found direct correlations between the sleep-wake cycle and various immune functions.

Ideally, you should get at least 7 hours uninterrupted sleep every night. The British Heart Foundation has published some fantastic tips for getting a good night’s sleep.

    7. Think about lifestyle changes

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of infections and diseases.

Eating too many fatty and sugary foods also has a negative effect on the immune system. High-fat, high-sugar diets have been linked to chronic inflammation which impairs immune function.

A diet high in added sugars leads to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gut. The gut microbiome plays an important role in immunity and an imbalance increases the risk of infection.

    8. Consider taking Acai Berry

Acai berry is a superfood due to its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help protect your      cells from damage caused by molecules in the environment.

Acai berries also contain fibre, healthy fats and other essential nutrients. They’re high in vitamin C, which is essential for immune function.

Acai Berry Capsules With Herbs, Vitamins And Minerals

Our Acai Berry supplement strengthens your body’s defences, gives your energy levels a boost and helps maintain healthy bones, skin and blood sugar levels.



The best ways to prevent germs

Your general wellness and the strength of your immune system largely depends on your lifestyle choices and eating habits.

However, we know it’s difficult to maintain a balanced diet all the time, especially when you’re busy. Taking immunity supplements is one of the ways you can prevent germs from causing you harm by filling nutritional gaps in your diet.

Our range of immunity supplements contain the vitamins and minerals essential for strengthening your natural defences, so you can feel well, energetic and enjoy your life.

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