Far Too Many People In The UK Are Overweight Or Even Obese
It’s a rather sad fact that today a large proportion of people in the UK (and not just in the UK) are overweight. The Health Survey for England, published in December 2022, found that 37.9% of adults are overweight, with a further 25.9% not just overweight but obese – that is anyone with a BMI of over 30. In other words, almost two thirds of the population fall into one or the other of those categories.
It also varies by age. Looking at those between 45 and 74, the figure is almost three quarters of people either overweight or obese. 12.1% of reception age children (age 4-5) were overweight, with a further 10.1% obese. At age 10-11 (year 6), 14.3% were overweight and 23.4% obese.
Of course, lifestyle has a lot to do with this. Many people simply do not take enough exercise and live a sedentary life. Not only that, but more and more people today, want everything as easy as possible. That means that instead of cooking a meal using healthy foods, it is a lot easier to get a takeaway. Another alternative is to buy ready meals that just need popping into the microwave for seven minutes: job done.
Too Many Calories
All these meals may be tasty and enjoyable (people wouldn’t buy them otherwise) but many contain far more calories than you should eat – all adding to the ever-growing number of people who are overweight.
What can be done about it? Well, taking exercise is obviously beneficial and will help to reduce weight. Preparing your own meals using the right ingredients can make a lot of difference too. However, with the very busy lives that we all live these days, it can mean that there isn’t always time to do that.
However, there is another alternative and that is to start taking the extra nutrients and supplements that we produce at NutriBrio. We manufacture some of the best protein shakes for weight loss in the UK that you can buy. While you should consider your diet, taking these supplements can go a long way towards ensuring that you get all the nutrients that you need while at the same time helping you to lose weight.
So, instead of having a normal meal, switch over to taking one of these shakes instead. You still need to eat, of course, but taking one of these best protein shakes for weight loss in the UK in place of a meal will help you live a healthier lifestyle and get rid of those excess pounds.
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