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Best Vegan Multivitamin?

Best Vegan Multivitamin?

A vegan diet is a healthy lifestyle choice that reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Yet, if a vegan diet isn’t closely monitored it can lead to vitamin and nutritional deficiencies. The best vegan multivitamin may fill nutritional gaps likely to be found in a vegan diet, but everyone is different.

Here we help you identify what nutrients may be missing from your diet, so you can find the right supplements for you.

What nutrients will the best vegan multivitamin contain?

Most non-meat eaters suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B-12, calcium, omega-3, zinc and even iron. For example, research concluded that 86% of vegans have vitamin B12 deficiency. So, the best vegan multivitamin will contain these nutrients and more.

Whether you’re on the lookout for a single multivitamin, or you want to identify and target specific nutrients that are missing from your diet, let’s look at what you’re most likely to need.

Vitamin B12

Plant-based whole foods don’t contain vitamin B12 (or folic acid), but it’s an essential nutrient for your mental and physical health. Vitamin B12 is exclusively found in dairy products, eggs and milk.

What’s the benefit?

Vitamin B12 is important for DNA synthesis, RBC formation and nervous system functions. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause anaemia (low RBC count), irreparable nerve damage, and infertility.

A vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnant women can lead to developmental abnormalities.

Vegan food alternatives

Fortified cereals, meat substitutes, vegan milk, or nutritional yeast contain vitamin B12.

RDA of vitamin B12

The average recommended daily amount of vitamin B12 is it is 2.4mcg. It’s even higher for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

It’s important to understand that B12 is most absorbed when taken in small doses. Thus, to fulfil your daily RDA, it’s recommended that you take a daily or weekly B12 supplement.


Vegan foods are good source of iron, but plant-based iron is not absorbed completely by your body. To compensate, you need to eat more iron-packed foods compared to meat-eaters.

study concluded that vegans, in comparison to non-vegans, have a higher chance of iron deficiency.

What’s the benefit?

Iron is an essential component of RBCs, the oxygen transporters in your blood. Iron deficiency leads to improper oxygenation of the brain and body, interfering with normal body functions.

Vegan food alternatives

Lentils, beans, tofu, nuts, potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, fortified cereals and bread are good vegan sources of iron.

However, vegan foods have ‘non-heme’ iron that’s not well absorbed by your body compared to ‘heme’ iron found in animal foods. Thus, it’s a good idea to consider taking an iron supplement, particularly if you are anaemic.

RDA of Iron

For adults, the recommended daily amount of iron is 16mg. For women between 20-50 years, it’s 36mg per day.

Be aware that an overdose of iron can cause damage to cells or prevents mineral absorption.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is common in both vegans and non-vegans. However, vegans are more prone to vitamin D deficiency as fish and eggs are good source of it.

Early morning sunlight is a great natural source of vitamin D. If your shadow is taller than you when you go outside, the sun isn’t giving you enough vitamin D.

What’s the benefit?

Vitamin D is essential to boost the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in your blood.

Inadequate absorption of calcium may cause muscle cramps, fatigue, bone pain, mood swings, slow muscle recovery, memory loss, and weak immunity.

Vegan food alternatives

Fortified cereals, soy milk, juices and mushrooms contain vitamin D.

In winter and when you’re not going outside very much, it’s wise to add vitamin D supplements to your daily routine.

Our Organic Mushroom Complex is a great source of vitamin D for vegans. It also contains vitamin C which regenerates the reduced form of vitamin E which, in turn, increases iron absorption.

RDA for Vitamin D

For adults, the recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 15mcg (600 IU).


Iodine is vital for healthy thyroid function, which supports metabolism. Iodine deficiency isn’t common in the UK as it’s consumed through iodized salt, dairy, and seafood. However, vegans are at 50% higher risk of iodine deficiency.  

What’s the benefit?

Iodine is important for the production of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Iodine deficiency (or hypothyroidism) can lead to fatigue, arthritis, and fertility issues.

Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are low energy, depression, dry skin and weight gain.

Vegan food alternative

Iodized salt and seaweed are the best sources of iodine for vegans. Consider including iodine supplements in your diet if you think you aren’t getting enough.

RDA of Iodine

The recommended daily amount of iodine for adults is 150mcg.

However, beware that an overdose of iodine can have harmful effects.


Calcium is mostly found in dairy products. Research shows that vegans mostly have calcium deficiency. Consuming less than half your daily RDA of calcium can lead to bone fractures.

What’s the benefit?

Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth as well as proper muscle, nerve and cardiac functions.

Vegan food alternatives

Plant-based calcium sources are kale, turnip, broccoli, watercress, chickpeas, tofu, mustard greens, fortified vegan milk and juices.

RDA of Calcium

For men under the age of 50, the RDA is 1000mg. For 50+ men, it is 1200mg per day. For women, the recommended daily amount is 1500-2000mg.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K occurs in two forms: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

Vegan foods are rich in vitamin K, where vitamin K1 is converted to K2. It’s on our list to highlight the importance of ensuring you consume the recommended daily amount.

What’s the benefit?

Vitamin K is a gut-friendly bacteria that’s extremely beneficial to you. We now know that a happy gut is strongly linked to overall health and wellbeing.

This vitamin is also responsible for bone health and the clotting of blood. A deficiency increases the chances of weak bones, bone fractures and arthritis.

Vegan food alternatives

Vegan foods rich in vitamin K are broccoli, leafy greens, lettuce, soybean, blueberries, vegetable oils and fermented foods.

RDA of Vitamin K

For adults, it’s 90-120mcg per day.

Please note: Don’t take a probiotic containing vitamin K for your gut health if you are taking a blood thinner as it can interfere with the medication. Consult your doctor for further advice.


Zinc is an essential nutrient for your overall health. Zinc is present in vegan foods, but animal foods are the best sources.

What’s the benefit?

Zinc is crucial for strong immunity, metabolism, and healthy hair. It quickens the healing of wounds as well.

Vegan food alternatives

Vegan sources of zinc include grains, beans, legumes, tofu, lentils, seeds and nuts.  

However, the phytate content in vegan sources means zinc is insufficiently absorbed by the body. That means it’s very important to consume a little extra zinc-rich food, or take zinc supplements to prevent zinc deficiency.

RDA of Zinc

For most adults, the recommended daily amount is 10mg.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s are the most essential fatty acids in our diet. Linoleic acid (ALA) is a short-chain fatty acid found in vegan foods. However, vegan foods contain minimal quantities of long-chain fatty acids, called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Although the body naturally converts ALA to the other forms (EPA and DHA), the conversion is quite low. The best sources of long-chain fatty acids are fish like herring, trout and salmon.

What’s the benefit?

Long chain omega-3s are crucial for healthy brain, eye, and heart functions. They prevent inflammation, and reduce the risk of ADHD, cancer and other chronic diseases.

Vegan food alternatives

Vegan foods mostly contain ALA. This omega-3 fatty acid is found in flaxseeds, kidney beans, chia seeds, plant-based oils, walnuts, fortified foods, seaweed and algae.

As a vegan make sure you eat these foods every day, but also consider taking a vegan-friendly omega-3 supplement.

RDA of Omega-3

Adults need 450-500mg of omega-3 a day.

Nutribrio supplements for vegans

At Nutribrio, we have a range of the best vegan-friendly multivitamin supplements.

Why not try HempNutri?

Not only does it provide you with vital protein that’ s often missing from vegan diets, but it also contains a range of essential plant-based nutrients. These nutrients are extracted from acai berry, Acerola cherry, alfalfa, beetroot, blackcurrant, celery seed, chlorella, cinnamon, dandelion leaf, fenugreek, green tea, Montmorency cherry, parsley piert, spinach and spirulina.

As the protein comes from hemp, it’s environmentally-friendly too.

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