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Supplementation. It's Necessity for A Balanced Body

Supplementation. It's Necessity for A Balanced Body

In the world of food, nutrition and sensible eating, we're advised right, left and centre about how nothing is better than getting everything that we need from a good wholesome balanced diet, and we don't need to go elsewhere. Thus, we hear we can get it all via that one simple principle, and it's advice that's been with us for generations, and was of course, given to us in the best possible good faith and sincerity. However, time marches on and with it, the gaining of new knowledge and insight, which challenges that previous well intentioned advice.

It would indeed be a marvellous situation, if we genuinely could ensure total good health, just eating the food that is placed before us, but there have been developments in awareness which now necessitate a more analytical view of that which we consume to nourish our bodies.

It has become more and more apparent that age plays a major role in nutritional values and what we are able to absorb from the nutrition placed before us. Although there is and always will be, some disagreement on percentages as to what the rules and guidelines are in terms of bio-availability (what we are biologically able to absorb) it is agreed that the older we get, the less efficiently our biological mechanisms are able to absorb nutrients, regardless of how great the quality, high grade organic or totally pesticide/herbicide free any food might well be.

In innumerable discussions over the last couple of years, I've encountered the figures 60 and 40 per cent being cited, along with 55 years of age. By this, I mean that up until around the age of 55 or so, we can absorb up to 60% of the nutrient value from what we eat, but after 55 and then going into our early 60s and beyond, that absorption capability reduces to 40% or even less.

These percentages apply to all nutrition. but for just one example, let us consider protein.

A large egg has in the region of 6gms of protein, but what's realistically available to a 55 and under person is 3.6gms, and with someone older moving into their 60s, taking in only 2.4gms or even less, is what they realistically have on their plate.

When you consider that the protein RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) for the average male and female adult is 0.83gms per kg of bodyweight, it concludes that 56gms is needed per day for the average man and 46gms needed per day for the average woman. So, with such levels of limited absorption capability being in play, without even being aware of it, literally millions of men and women will all be protein deficient each and every single day, by relying solely on the food that is placed before them. It is very important to be aware, that protein means dramatically more to our health and wellbeing than just building muscle, which for so many, is the only concept that immediately springs to mind, thanks to well publicised gym goer, body builder and athletes ads and literature in the media and all around us.

So yes; it is important to get a solid intake of protein each and every day. But why?

Protein has 8 important physiological roles, where it's involved in biological functions and systems, that extend beyond just building and maintaining muscle mass. If the man or woman in the street wants to make the best of their health and wellbeing, they should know and appreciate the full spectrum of protein's responsibilities within their bodies. All the following bodily networks require protein to contribute and play it's part, in order for them to function at their most efficient best.

  • Enzymes
  • Hormones
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Balance.
  • Acid-Base (pH) Balance.
  • Antibodies
  • Wound Healing, Tissue Regeneration, and Nerve Function.
  • Energy Source.
  • Formation/maintenance of Lean Mass (muscle)

If a sustained deficit of protein is in play, then all those physiological depts are disadvantaged and sometimes even directly compromised, in their endeavours to maintain someone's wellness and bodily balance. This important bodily balance of wellness is called Homeostasis, and well maintained; it is a resoundingly positive asset for ensuring someone's optimum levels of health.

However; once you've calculated your 56 or your 45gms, you'll then encounter the cold reality of just how seriously difficult it can really be, to get your daily protein requirement from your diet alone. Downing enough chicken, ham, turkey or conventional food source protein to reach your calculated need - can be a 'bloatingly' uncomfortable undertaking. This is where protein powders and shakes become a very appropriate measure, whether you do so via cold ionised Whey Protein, Rice Protein, Pea Protein or other plant sources. A daily protein drink will allow you to actually reach, or draw very close to, your calculated daily protein needs, without having to eat significantly large amounts of solids from standard foods.

Remember that protein produces far less of an insulin spike from your pancreas than carbohydrates. So, if you're looking after your weight; protein is also your friend. Add to this for your weight management endeavours, that protein slows down the digestive process in its own right, but this 'fuller for longer' advantage is protracted positively even further, by a protein delivered in liquid form. This is because in liquid form, it slows down what is known as the GER, which stands for Gastric Emptying Rate, and that's the term used for the speed at which the stomach empties.

So, getting your protein in a liquid format has a double positive benefit and without feeling bloated, will pro-actively assist you to reach the amount of daily protein that you need for your personal health requirements


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